Our Mission & Vision
Head to Wind publishes fiction and nonfiction, including essays and creative nonfiction. While we are located in the Chesapeake region, we are interested in work that has both regional and universal appeal.Environment, ecology, garden, food, health, boats and water, some regional history. In fiction: short stories, mystery, (particularly series), literary fiction and humor.
We also look for work that offers encouragement and potential solutions to challenges in life, work, or society, that expands our appreciation for and understanding of ourselves and the world in which we now live, or that simply entertains – like stimulating conversation at a great party.
Book publishing, which has always been collaborative, is even more so now. It’s a process in which the writer plays an important part post-editing and publishing. Longtime writers ourselves, we acknowledge that participation through our collaborative contract.
Our Name
To be successful, you need to tackle a subject—and life—with gusto. The name Head to Wind is drawn from sailing. You head to where the wind is to get your boat going. You also bring your boat into the wind (with sails flapping and making a ruckus) when coming up to a dock or mooring, spilling the wind and slowing the boat. Sailing close to the wind can be risky, but it's exciting when heeled over and going like mad.
Head to Wind Publishing looks to inspire both readers and collaborators with the excitement, the variety and the community that sharing our lives, our ideas, our trials and triumphs offers each of us.
Our Founder
editor & Head to wind Author
Nancy Taylor Robson
At the helm of Head to Wind Publishing is Nancy Taylor Robson. Robson, one of the first women in the country to earn a US Coast Guard license to run coastal tugs, has written essays, features, profiles, maritime analysis and reportage. Her work has appeared in regional, national and international newspapers and magazines and she is the author of several books. She is also a University of Maryland Master Gardener, who grows much of the family’s vegetables and writes for the Grow It Eat It blog.
Write for Head to Wind
submission guidelines
We welcome submissions by memoir, fiction, both literary and trade, and nonfiction authors. We are passionate about working with our authors at every stage throughout the publishing process, from concept to layout, cover design to marketing and promotion. Share your manuscript or proposal, and let’s get started!
We accept simultaneous submissions but please let us know if you’ve also sent it someplace else as well. All submissions must be sent via our upload form or email—hard copies or longhand submissions will not be considered.
For fiction, submit no more than 50 pages of the work.
For nonfiction, submit an initial proposal letter of no more than a page and a half, giving both a thumbnail of the book and your credentials.
Editor’s Note: Please keep in mind that we are a small enterprise and will respond to any submission as quickly as we can, but we make no timetable promises. However if you don’t hear something from us within two months, don’t hesitate to ping us via email.
1. Cover letter
2. Overview of the book (no more than 500 words)
2. Other books that would compete and how yours differs or adds to the conversation
3. Target audience – who would buy your book and why?
4. Your credentials and experience including what publications has your work appeared in
5. Marketing and promotion – how will you actively help promote the book? What contacts will be receptive to your work and want to review it? Where should publicity be focused?
6. Detailed table of contents including overview of each chapter.
7. Two sample chapters.
“I work in the medical field and was taught to write in direct and disjointed statements with the threat of a lawsuit always lurking over my shoulder. So, writing a book was very foreign to me. When Nancy and I first met, I found her to be a great listener, which made me feel comfortable right away. By the end of that lunch, we had chapter titles and a plan for my book proposal. But during the writing process the book occasionally took us off the original plan. Nancy guided me toward the new direction and never insisted we stay on the initial course, which gave me freedom to create and find my way as a new writer. She brought out the best in the pieces I sent to her while at the same time capturing my voice. Funny, I never considered a ‘writing voice’. After reading the book, all of my colleagues told me they “could hear my voice throughout the book.” I believe that says a lot.”