Your book was very helpful to my mother in law. Her husband passed away a few months ago. She finally read your book. Many thanks!
Most of us live in denial. We all get a turn at life, but the end of the turn (like the last leg of a rollercoaster) usually feels like it comes too soon. So we deny the possibility that we or a loved one might be reaching it. It’s a crossroads — for our loved one and for us who love them. So we avoid, pretend, put the bravest face on increasing difficulties. It’s natural. But unfortunate. Since practical, down-to-earth advice can help. Like making sure paperwork (Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney, Living Will and HIPPA) is up to date and available. Like learning what resources are available if and when you need them. Like having experienced-based tips on how to plan, avoid hurtles and how to live as fully as possible instead of just enduring. That and more is in OK Now What? A Caregiver’s guide to What Matters. Succinct, in places funny, practical, and kind, it’s like having a good (and discreet) friend walk with you.