

News & Updates From Head to Wind

Still Water Bending Author Wins Bouquet of Awards

I'm feeling really proud for winning two first places in this year's Boating Writers International Contest for two stories I cared deeply about, "Sailing for Soul" in Soundings, and "Blue Bloods and Red Knots" in Chesapeake Bay Magazine.

But what I'm even MORE pumped about is that our little magazine Good Old Boat, of which I'm senior editor, won 13 awards total!! Good Old Boat dominated the Gear, Electronics & Product Tests category with a first, third, and two merit awards, as well as the Boat Projects, Renovations & Refits category, taking second, third, and a merit award. We earned a second place and two merit awards in Seamanship, Rescue and Safety, third place and a merit award in Boating Profiles, and a merit award for Boating Adventures. This is a really competitive contest, and I am so proud of all of us!!”

Wendy Mitman Clarke


Wendy Mitman Clarke cropped ohoto.jpg
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